====== Built-in Connection Attributes ====== ===== About ===== ''Built-in Attributes'' are [[attribute|connection attributes]] that modifies the behavior of ''tabulify''. They are not the native driver connection properties ===== List ===== ^ Name ^ Description ^ | ''Comment'' | A connection description | | ''User'' | The user | | ''Password'' | The password | | ''Origin'' | The origin of the connection | | ''DateDataType'' | Define the text storage format of a ''Date'' data type (''YYYY-MM-DD'') if not supported by the connection . See [[docs:common:time|Time storage]] | | ''TimestampDataType'' | Define the text storage format of a ''Timestamp'' data type (''YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'') if not supported by the connection . See [[docs:common:time|Time storage]] | | ''TimeDataType'' | Define the text storage format of a ''Time'' data type (''HH:MM:SS'') if not supported by the connection . See [[docs:common:time|Time storage]] | | ''BooleanDataType'' | Define the text storage format of a ''Boolean''. See [[docs:common:boolean|boolean]] if not supported by the connection | | ''MaxNameInPath'' | The maximum name in a path (for instance, Sqlite supports only one) | | ''MaxConcurrentThread'' | The maximum number of concurrent thread for the connection (for instance, Sqlite supports only one) | If not defined specifically by the connection type (the system), all others are treated as third connection property.