Random Data Generator

Undraw File Manager


A random generator is a column data generator that generates data randomly inside a range of values.

If you want to extract values from a list at random, you should use the histogram generator with a factor of 1 for each bucket. Example: How to get data from a list of values at random

This generator will generate the values in an uniform distribution.



Key Default Value Description Related HowTo
min See data type The minimum value of the range of values random
max See data type The minimum value of the range of values random

Data Type

The below data type are supported:

Data Type Default Min Default Max Precision
Integer 1 10 Na
Float / Double / Real 1.0 10.0 Na
Numeric / Decimal (Rounding Half Down) 1.0 10.0 Column Scale Property
Date -10 days 0 day
Timestamp -10 days 0 Second
Time 00:00:00 23:59:59 Second
Varchar a z Na

A Timestamp without time zone is not considered an timestamp from the UTC timezone as required by the YAML specification. Read more here: Timetamp

Related HowTo
Undraw File Manager
How to generate random data

This how-to shows you how to generate random data with the column random generator.

Task Runner