HowTo's Connections


Tabulify comes with pre-configured connections that are used in the How-to's


After a fresh installation, you should see them by listing the connection.

tabli connection list *
Name            Url                                                                       
-------------   -----------------------------------------------------------------------   
cd              file:///C:/Users/gerardnico/                                              
entity          file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-gen-entities/src/main/resources/entity/     
howto           file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-website/src/doc/howto/                      
memory          mem                                                                       
mysql           jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]                                     
oracle          jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe                                       
postgres        jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres                                 
sqlite          jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite.db          
sqlite_target   jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite_target.db   
sqlserver       jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=AdventureWorks;                   
temp            file:///C:/Users/GERARD~1/AppData/Local/Temp/                             
tpcds           tpcds                                                                     
tpcds_query     file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-jdbc/src/main/sql/tpcds/

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