System Connection - Cd (Current Directory)


The cd connection is a built-in connection that points to the current directory of the local file system.

This is the default connection.


To get the path of the current directory, with the connection info command

tabli connection info cd
Information about the connection (cd)
Attribute              Value                          Description                                                            
--------------------   ----------------------------   --------------------------------------------------------------------   
Working Path           C:\Users\gerardnico            Schema for database, directory for file system                         
Comment                The local file system          A connection description                                               
MaxConcurrentThread    1                              The maximum number of threads that can be created against the system   
MaxNameInPath          2147483647                     The maximum number of names in a path                                  
Name                   cd                             The name of the connection                                             
TabBooleanDataType     Native                         Boolean data type used to store boolean values                         
TabDateDataType        Native                         Date data type used to store date values                               
TabTimeDataType        Native                         Time format data type to store time values                             
TabTimestampDataType   Native                         Timestamp data type used to store timestamp values                     
Url                    file:///C:/Users/gerardnico/   The url of the connection

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