How to use a data generator in a data operation

Tabulify - How to use a data generator in a data operation


A generator is just a data resource and therefore you can use it in every data operation.


Printing the generator will print the generated data

The head command will print the generated data.

tabli data head --limit 30 sequence--datagen.yml@howto 
The first 30 rows of the data resource (sequence--datagen.yml@howto): 
seq_int   seq_char   
-------   --------   
      1   a          
      2   b          
      3   c          
      4   d          
      5   e          
      6   f          
      7   g          
      8   h          
      9   i          
     10   j          
     11   k          
     12   l          
     13   m          
     14   n          
     15   o          
     16   p          
     17   q          
     18   r          
     19   s          
     20   t          
     21   u          
     22   v          
     23   w          
     24   x          
     25   y          
     26   z          
     27   ba         
     28   bb         
     29   bc         
     30   bd

Insert in a Sql Table

You can insert the generated data into a table in the sqlite database

tabli data insert sequence--datagen.yml@howto sequence@sqlite
Source                        Target            Latency (ms)   Row Count   Error   Message   
---------------------------   ---------------   ------------   ---------   -----   -------   
sequence--datagen.yml@howto   sequence@sqlite   58             30

Create a CSV File

How to create a CSV File with generated data

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Task Runner