MySQL - How-to Connection
A default howto mysql connection is provided after a fresh installation. It's used in the Howto. To use this connection, you need to start a docker image
Download and run the image
This connection is based on the Official MySql Docker image.
- You can download and start the image with the following command:
docker run \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
-p 3306:3306 \
-d \
--name mysql \
docker run ^
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw ^
-p 3306:3306 ^
-d ^
--name mysql ^
- Ping your connection to check that the database is up.
tabli connection ping mysql
The connection (mysql) has been pinged successfully
Start / Stop
You can then start and stop the image with the following command:
docker stop mysql
docker start mysql
tabli connection info mysql
Information about the connection (postgres)
Attribute Value Description
---------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment The default postgres data store A connection description
DatabaseMajorVersion 9 The major version number of the database
DatabaseMinorVersion 5 The minor version number of the database
DatabaseProductName PostgreSQL The name of the database
DatabaseProductVersion 9.5.23 The version of the database
Driver org.postgresql.Driver The driver class
Driver org.postgresql.Driver The driver class
DriverName PostgreSQL JDBC Driver The driver name
DriverVersion 42.2.16 The driver version
JdbcMajorVersion 4 The major version number of JDBC
JdbcMinorVersion 2 The minor version number of JDBC
MaxConcurrentThread 8192 The maximum number of threads that can be created against the system
MaxNameInPath 3 The maximum number of names in a path
Name postgres The name of the connection
Password xxxxxxxxx The user password to login
SupportBatchUpdates true If the system supports batch SQL updates
SupportNamedParameters false If the system supports named parameters in the SQL statement
TabBooleanDataType Native Boolean data type used to store boolean values
TabDateDataType Native Date data type used to store date values
TabTimeDataType Native Time format data type to store time values
TabTimestampDataType Native Timestamp data type used to store timestamp values
Url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres The url of the connection
User postgres The user name to login