Tabli - Data Fill (with generated data)

Undraw Windows


The Tabli data fill command from the table module insert generated data into a content resource (file, sql table).


tabli data fill --help
Tabli data fill

Load generated data into data resources.

You select the data resources to be filled with:
   * the data selector argument (`target-selector...`)
   * and optionally the dependency option (`--with-dependencies`)

For more control on the data generated, you can add the data resource generators (`*--datagen.yml`)
by selecting them with the generator selector option (--generator-selector)

This is an alias to the `transfer` command where:
  * the targets are the selected data resources
  * the sources are generated from the generator data resources and/of target metadatas

The default transfer operation is `upsert`.


 1 - To load the table `D_TIME` from the connection `sqlite` with auto-generated data:

    tabli data fill D_TIME@sqlite

 2 - To load the table `D_TIME` with the data generation file `D_TIME--datagen.yml` present in the current directory:

    tabli data fill --generator-selector D_TIME D_TIME@connection

 3 - To load all data in the whole schema with the data generation file in the dir directory:

    tabli data fill --generator-selector dir/* *@connection

 4 - Load auto generated data into the table F_SALES and its dependencies

    tabli data fill--with-dependencies F_SALES@sqlite


    tabli data fill [options|flags] <target-selector...>



    <target-selector...>                                    One or more data selectors that will select the target data resources to be filled.

  Cross Data Transfer Options:

    -bs,--buffer-size <bufferSize>                          defines the size of the memory buffer between the source and target threads

    -mdu,--metrics-data-uri <metricsDataUri>                defines a target data uri where the data metrics should be exported

    -sfs,--source-fetch-size <fetchSize>                    defines the fetch size against the source connection

    -tbs,--target-batch-size <batchSize>                    defines the batch size against the target data resource

    -tcf,--target-commit-frequency <commitFrequency>        defines the commit frequency in number of batches against the target data resource

    -tw,--target-worker <targetWorkerCount>                 defines the target number of thread against the target connection

    -wbv,--with-bind-variables                              defines if bind variables are used in the SQL statement

  Fill Options:

    -gs,--generator-selector <generatorSelector...>         One or more data selector that selects one or more data resource generator ( --datagen.yml )

    -mrc,--max-record-count <maxRecordCount>                This option defines the maximum total number of record that the data resource(s) must have when no data resource generator was found.

  Data Definition Options:

    -ta,--target-attribute <attributeName=value>            Set a target data resource attribute

  Transfer Operation Options:

    -to,--target-operation <targetDataOperation>            defines the data operations (replace, truncate) on the existing target before transfer.

    -op,--transfer-operation <transferOperation>            defines the transfer operation (insert, update, delete, upsert, merge, move, copy). Default to `copy` for a file system and `insert` for a database.

  Selection Options:

    -wd,--with-dependencies                                 If this flag is present, the dependencies of the selected target tables (ie parent/foreign tables) will be also be filled with data

  Global Options:

    -cf,--conf <path>                                       The path to a configuration file

    -cv,--connection-vault <path>                           The path where the connection vault is located

    -h,--help                                               Print this help

    -l,--log-level <error|warning|tip|info|fine>            Set the log level

    -ns,--not-strict                                        A minor error will not stop the process.

    -odu,--output-data-uri <outputDataUri>                  defines the output data uri for the feedback data (default: console)

    -oo,--output-operation <dataOperation>                  defines the data operations (replace, truncate) on an existing output resource before transfer.

    -oop,--output-transfer-operation <transferOperation>    defines the output transfer operation (insert, update, merge, copy). Default to `copy` for a file system and `insert` for a database.

    -pp,--passphrase <passphrase>                           A passphrase (master password) to decrypt the encrypted values

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