Tabli - How to fill a table with a data generation file


This how-to will show you how to:



You should have Tabulify installed on your computer: Learning Tabulify - Step 1 - Installation

Create the Data Generation file

The below file is a data definition file that defines the structure of the data and the data generators

Comment: An example of date dimension generator based on the `date_dim` table of TPCDS
  - name: d_date_sk
    comment: A surrogate key
    Type: integer
      type: sequence
  - name: d_date
    comment: A business key in date format
    Type: date
      type: sequence
  - name: d_date_id
    comment: A business key in string
    Type: varchar
      type: expression
      ColumnParents: d_date
      expression: "x.toISOString().substring(0,10)"
  - name: d_month_seq
    comment: An ascendant sequence for the month
    Type: integer
      type: expression
      ColumnParents: d_date
      expression: "function pad(number) {if (number < 10) { return '0' + number; } return number; }; x.getFullYear()+''+(pad(x.getMonth()+1))"
  - name: d_day_name
    comment: The name of the day
    Type: varchar
      type: expression
      ColumnParents: d_date
      expression: "var days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday']; days[x.getDay()]"
  - name: d_moy
    comment: the month number in year
    Type: Integer
      type: expression
      ColumnParents: d_date
      expression: "x.getMonth()+1"
  - name: d_year
    comment: The year number
    Type: Varchar
    Precision: 4
      type: expression
      ColumnParents: d_date
      expression: "x.getFullYear()"

Fill the table

The tabli data fill command takes the data definition as input and can load it into a table.

tabli data fill --generator-selector date_dim--datagen.yml@howto date_dim@sqlite
Source            Target            Latency (ms)   Row Count   Error   Message   
---------------   ---------------   ------------   ---------   -----   -------   
date_dim@memgen   date_dim@sqlite   6435           1000


The table date_dim was filled with generated data

tabli data head date_dim@sqlite
The first 10 rows of the data resource (date_dim@sqlite): 
d_date_sk   d_date_id    d_date       d_month_seq   d_week_seq   d_quarter_seq   d_year   d_dow   d_moy   d_dom   d_qoy   d_fy_year   d_fy_quarter_seq   d_fy_week_seq   d_day_name   d_quarter_name   d_holiday   d_weekend   d_following_holiday   d_first_dom   d_last_dom   d_same_day_ly   d_same_day_lq   d_current_day   d_current_week   d_current_month   d_current_quarter   d_current_year   
---------   ----------   ----------   -----------   ----------   -------------   ------   -----   -----   -----   -----   ---------   ----------------   -------------   ----------   --------------   ---------   ---------   -------------------   -----------   ----------   -------------   -------------   -------------   --------------   ---------------   -----------------   --------------   
        1   2020-12-11   2020-12-11        202012            0               8     2020       6      12       4      10          10                  9               0   Friday       t                p           v           z                               1            7               0               9   c               q                h                 b                   s                
        2   2020-12-10   2020-12-10        202012            6               6     2020       0      12       8       9           5                  7               5   Thursday     o                z           s           o                               7            0               2               4   n               n                x                 e                   v                
        3   2020-12-09   2020-12-09        202012            0               4     2020       1      12       2       9           0                  9               3   Wednesday    e                f           l           f                              10            4               1               0   s               y                h                 q                   p                
        4   2020-12-08   2020-12-08        202012            3               3     2020       3      12       9       4           5                  1               2   Tuesday      w                j           o           b                               4            3               9               1   j               d                v                 g                   c                
        5   2020-12-07   2020-12-07        202012            9               1     2020       5      12       1       1           6                  4               5   Monday       x                w           y           j                               8            4              10               7   e               u                k                 t                   p                
        6   2020-12-06   2020-12-06        202012            0               8     2020      10      12       5       5           1                  9              10   Sunday       p                r           o           b                               2            4               6               8   u               w                h                 s                   h                
        7   2020-12-05   2020-12-05        202012            9               6     2020      10      12       0       1           8                  3               8   Saturday     e                r           p           e                               8            0              10               4   n               n                o                 d                   f                
        8   2020-12-04   2020-12-04        202012            2               1     2020       8      12      10       8           8                  9               9   Friday       q                r           p           q                               8            8               7               3   s               s                d                 s                   m                
        9   2020-12-03   2020-12-03        202012            9               0     2020       5      12      10       5           7                  5              10   Thursday     n                k           e           h                               3            5               7               1   w               z                h                 k                   q                
       10   2020-12-02   2020-12-02        202012            5               7     2020       7      12       4       9           7                  8               9   Wednesday    a                b           m           f                              10            5               3               6   s               k                p                 s                   g

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Task Runner