Data Resource - Json


A json file is a text file that contains one or several json object.



Tabulify supports the following JSON type:

  • json : one JSON object by file
  • jsonl: one JSON object by line (ie the Jsonl format)


The attributes of a JSON file are:

Name Description
structure document - the whole JSON document will be stored in tabular format with 1 column of the json data type
properties - the JSON file will be parsed and all first level properties will create several columns in a full tabular format
Because a json file is also a text file, it inherits all text attributes
endOfRecord For a JSON file, end of a file (EOF). It expects one JSON object by file
For a JSONL file, end of a line (EOL). It expects one JSON object by line
columnName The name of the column in the case of a document structure (Default to json)


With the JSON template, you can create a JSON file from tabular data.

How to see the first lines

By default, Tabulify treats one JSON document as one record (line), you would see the whole document.

If you want to see the first text lines of a document, you need to set the type to text.


tabli data head --type text --limit 3 books_template.json@howto
The first 3 rows of the data resource (books_template.json@howto): 
  "${group}": {    
    "${asin}": {

Related HowTo
Undraw Environment
How to create JSON files from Tabular data with a JSON template

This howto will show you how to create a JSON file from tabular data with the template operation and a JSON template
Undraw Environment
How to load a JSON documents in a database

This howto will show you how to load json document (files) into your relational database.
Undraw Environment
HowTo - How to load XML files into a database with Tabulify

This database howto will show you how to load Xml file and document into a database.

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