Data Resource - Attribute (Property)
An attribute is a property metadata for a data resources.
They may be:
- derived attributes such as the size
- data definition attributes that describes:
- and eventually request attributes that are used as request attribute (for instance, a HTTP header for a HTTP resource).
Attribute name are case-insensitive meaning that you can type them as you wish in:
- lowercase
- or CamelCase.
You can see this attributes with the tabli data info command
tabli data info characters.csv@howto
Information about the data resource (characters.csv@howto)
------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
AbsolutePath D:\code\bytle-mono\db-website\src\doc\howto\characters.csv
Characterset ISO-8859-2
Connection howto
Count 4
DataUri characters.csv@howto
LogicalName characters
Name characters.csv
Path characters.csv
Size 346
Type text/csv
You can get them in a tabular format with the tabli data list command
tabli data list -a count -a size *@howto
count size
------------------- ----
6 132
4 346
3 268
5 70
2147483647 1446
9223372036854775807 479
2147483647 227
30 501
10 623
30 1512
1 0
30 313
10 589
5 1031
1000 1027
30 601
30 321
1 17
4 65
1 301
7 230
2 420
You can set the attributes via:
- the tabli options
- source-attribute or target-attribute in a transfer command
- attribute for others data command
Add as virtual column
You can add the data resource attribute as extra-column via the virtual columns.
Common attributes are attributes that you will find on every data resources.
The following attributes are common:
- name - the name of the data resource
- logicalName - the name of the data resource without any extension
- size - the size in byte on disk (may be blank if not yet supported)
- path - the relative (if possible) path in the connection
- absolutePath - the absolute path in the connection
- connection - the connection name
- dataUri - the unique identifier of this data resource
- type - the resource media type (ie “text/html”)
- subtype - the resource media subtype (ie “html”)
- parent - the parent logical name
- md5 - the MD5 digest
- sha384 - the SHA384 digest
- sha384_integrity - the SHA384 integrity digest used in a integrity HTML attribute.
Specific attributes are attributes that are available only for specific type of data resource.
For instance, for a text file, you would have its characterSet.