====== Dotenv variable file ======
===== About =====
The ''dotenv variable file'' is a [[docs:conf:variable_file|variable file]] where you can add secret variables that should not be in your source version control system.
===== Name and location =====
The ''dotenv'' file name has the following name structure:
* ''name'' is the [[:docs:project:environment|environment name]].
If the name is:
* not present, the env file is always taken
* present, the env file is taken only for the corresponding environment
The searched location is:
* the [[:docs:project:project|project home]]
* otherwise the working directory (where you execute the tabli command line)
===== Git =====
This file is generally added into your [[https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore|.gitignore]] file.
This way, it's never committed into your repository version control system and stays local on your computer.
===== Example =====
Below are variables used to connect to the planete scale database.
You can then use them as [[template|template variables]] in a [[:docs:conf:vault|connection vault]].