Table of Contents


To learn Tabulify, you need to install the Tabli command line tool.

This pages will guide you through the installation steps.



Tabulify relies on Java version 1.8

You should have therefore already a java installation from and above 1.8

You can check it by calling the below command

java -version
java version "1.8.0_251"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_251-b08)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.251-b08, mixed mode)

If this is not the case, you can download it and install it at the Java download page

Installation Directory

Create a directory called the Tabulify Home where you will unzip the content of the installation file. A path without space is recommended

  • Windows
:: Below c:\tabulify is the Tabulify Home.
mkdir c:\tabulify
  • Linux / Mac
# Below /opt/tabulify is the Tabulify Home.
mkdir /opt/tabulify


You need to download the zipped file for your operating system.

Tabulify is distributed for different operation system.


Unzip the downloaded file into the Tabulify Home

At the command line:

  • Windows
unzip -d c:\tabulify
  • Linux
unzip -d /opt/tabulify
  • Optionally, create a symlink into your bin directory to be able to call Tabulify from everywhere.
mklink c:\tabulify\tabli.cmd %USERPROFILE%\bin\tabli.cmd
  • This local bin directory should be added to the PATH environment variable.


If you can call the tabli command line, your installation is validated.

Tabli is the command line tool of Tabulify and is composed of module that regroups command where each command can be customized with argument and options.

  • Open a console
  • Call tabli with the help option
tabli --help
:: or if you didn't have the directory in your PATH environment variable
:: TABULIFY_HOME\tabli.cmd --help
:: in our installation documentation
:: c:\tabulify\tabli.cmd
  • The help should shows up.

Tabli, the tabulify command line data processing tool


 1 - To load a csv file into the sqlite database, you would type:

    tabli data transfer data.csv @sqlite


    tabli <command> [-h,--help]



    conf          Management and configuration of the tabli environment.

    connection    Management and configuration of the connections to systems.

    data          Data operations against data resources (table, file, ...).

    vault         Encrypt and decrypt sensitive information


    -h,--help     Print this help


Tabulify supports a lot of command line in the tabli data module and having a good terminal that simplify our task is important.

We recommend therefore a terminal that supports bash.

See Why do we recommend bash ?

Next Step

In Tabulify, all data are uniformly called data resources. All data operations are made on data resource. You drop, select, create, … etc data resources.

What's a Data Resource ?