A data selector is a data uri expression that permits to select:
If you are new to the concept of data selector, we encourage you to take a look at this page: Learning Tabulify - Step 4 - How to select Data Resources
This syntax select data resources listed in the connection
You can reference each wildcard character in a target data uri to define the target resources.
For a file system, the following special character are supported in the path:
# Linux
# Windows
# Linux (and Windows)
# Windows form works also but is not recommended
For a sql database, the following characters are supported in the path:
# an sql object pattern
# a sql schema pattern
# a sql catalog pattern
For a web system, Tabulify supports passing directly an URI/URL as a data selector.
Only in bash based terminal, see why
tabli data info "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=SQL&format=xml&prop=description"
Information about the data resource (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=SQL&format=xml&prop=description@https:--en.wikipedia.org-w)
attribute value
--------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AbsolutePath https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=SQL&format=xml&prop=description
Characterset ISO-8859-1
Connection https:--en.wikipedia.org-w
Count 1
DataUri https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=SQL&format=xml&prop=description@https:--en.wikipedia.org-w
LogicalName api
Md5 b61936451e935f25c7683ede9b26801b
Name api.php
Parent w
Path https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=SQL&format=xml&prop=description
Sha384 a27590cd933c93a9fd7dda31e0d20d5fab3ee0b952f6382c4d615d732df64347523e5368d007c6d4076a3d494b050acf
Sha384Integrity sha384-onWQzZM8k6n9fdox4NINX6s+4LlS9jgsTWFdcy32Q0dSPlNo0AfG1AdqPUlLBQrP
Size -1
Type application/xml