Table of Contents


In the previous page, we learned that all data are known as data resource.

Data resources are stored in systems in Tabulify.

There is generally speaking two kind of systems:

A Connection is a set of properties that defines how to connect to this systems.


Tabulify comes with:

The default connection is the current directory of the local file system, known as the cd (for short).

In this learning guide, we used mostly:

You can see the full list with the connection list command.

tabli connection list
Name            Url
-------------   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cd              file:///C:/Users/gerardnico/
entity          file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-gen-entities/src/main/resources/entity/
howto           file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-website/src/doc/howto/
memory          mem
mysql           jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]
oracle          jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe
postgres        jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
sqlite          jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite.db
sqlite_target   jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite_target.db
sqlserver       jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=AdventureWorks;
temp            file:///C:/Users/GERARD~1/AppData/Local/Temp/
tpcds           tpcds
tpcds_query     file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-jdbc/src/main/sql/tpcds/


Learning Tabulify - Step 4 - How to select Data Resources