A default howto sqlite connection is provided after a fresh installation that is used in the howto's.
tabli connection info sqlite
Information about the connection (sqlite)
Attribute Value Description
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment The sqlite default connection A connection description
DatabaseMajorVersion 3 The major version number of the database
DatabaseMinorVersion 30 The minor version number of the database
DatabaseProductName SQLite The name of the database
DatabaseProductVersion 3.30.1 The version of the database
Driver org.sqlite.JDBC The driver class
Driver org.sqlite.JDBC The driver class
DriverName SQLite JDBC The driver name
DriverVersion 3.30.1 The driver version
JdbcMajorVersion 2 The major version number of JDBC
JdbcMinorVersion 1 The minor version number of JDBC
MaxConcurrentThread 1 The maximum number of threads that can be created against the system
MaxNameInPath 1 The maximum number of names in a path
Name sqlite The name of the connection
SupportBatchUpdates true If the system supports batch SQL updates
SupportNamedParameters true If the system supports named parameters in the SQL statement
TabBooleanDataType Binary Boolean data type used to store boolean values
TabDateDataType SqlLiteral Date data type used to store date values
TabTimeDataType SqlLiteral Time format data type to store time values
TabTimestampDataType SqlLiteral Timestamp data type used to store timestamp values
Url jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite.db The url of the connection