====== Learning Tabulify - Step 9 - How to fill a data resource with generated data ? ====== ===== Data Generation ===== ''Tabulify'' integrates natively a [[docs:generator:generator|data generator]]. You can generate realistic production data and start working on your project right away. Because the data is fake but realistic, you don't need to: * anonymize production data in your development environment because of the privacy laws * or create any acceptance environment. ===== The fill command ===== The [[docs:op:fill|data fill operation]] is an operation that will [[docs:op:select|select target data resource]] and fill them with data. ''Tabulify'' supports two mode: * [[#auto fill|auto]] - the data generated is automatically chosen * [[#generator|generator]] - the data generated is defined in a file called the ''generator'' The [[docs:op:fill|fill operation]] is supported by the [[docs:tabli:data:fill|data fill command]]. ===== Auto Fill ===== Let's first delete all data with the [[docs:tabli:data:truncate|data truncate command]] to get a clean schema. tabli data truncate *@sqlite The below [[docs:tabli:data:fill|fill command]] will fill all [[docs:resource:table|tables]] with auto-generated data tabli data fill *@sqlite Source Target Latency (ms) Row Count Error Message ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ --------- ----- ------- call_center@memgen call_center@sqlite 137 1000 catalog_page@memgen catalog_page@sqlite 48 1000 catalog_sales@memgen catalog_sales@sqlite 130 1000 customer@memgen customer@sqlite 98 1000 customer_address@memgen customer_address@sqlite 94 1000 customer_demographics@memgen customer_demographics@sqlite 62 1000 date_dim@memgen date_dim@sqlite 104 1000 household_demographics@memgen household_demographics@sqlite 32 1000 income_band@memgen income_band@sqlite 37 1000 item@memgen item@sqlite 195 1000 promotion@memgen promotion@sqlite 76 1000 ship_mode@memgen ship_mode@sqlite 45 1000 store@memgen store@sqlite 105 1000 store_sales@memgen store_sales@sqlite 100 1000 time_dim@memgen time_dim@sqlite 56 1000 warehouse@memgen warehouse@sqlite 81 1000 web_page@memgen web_page@sqlite 70 1000 web_sales@memgen web_sales@sqlite 135 1000 web_site@memgen web_site@sqlite 96 1000 The [[docs:tabli:data:fill|data fill command]] loads ''1000'' records for each [[docs:resource:table|table]] because this is the default value of the [[docs:generator:max-record-count|max-record-count]] [[docs:tabli:option|option]] ( This option defines the number of records generated ). ===== Query 11 ===== By running the [[howto:getting_started:7_query|query 11 (of the query lesson)]], we don't get any data back. tabli data print (sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query)@sqlite customer_id customer_first_name customer_last_name customer_email_address ----------- ------------------- ------------------ ---------------------- Why ? Because the [[howto:getting_started:7_query|query 11]] is based on time data of the year ''2001'' and unfortunately the auto-generated data does not contain ''2001'' in the ''d_year'' column. tabli data head --limit 10 date_dim@sqlite The first 10 rows of the data resource (date_dim@sqlite): d_date_sk d_date_id d_date d_month_seq d_week_seq d_quarter_seq d_year d_dow d_moy d_dom d_qoy d_fy_year d_fy_quarter_seq d_fy_week_seq d_day_name d_quarter_name d_holiday d_weekend d_following_holiday d_first_dom d_last_dom d_same_day_ly d_same_day_lq d_current_day d_current_week d_current_month d_current_quarter d_current_year --------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- --------- --------- ------------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- -------------- 1 a 2020-12-06 8 7 8 3 5 8 2 2 1 3 2 j e r w q 8 4 9 0 x g b k i 2 b 2020-12-04 0 6 7 0 1 5 6 5 4 4 4 t n h t l 3 8 4 5 b j x l a 3 c 2020-12-12 5 3 1 7 9 0 0 7 9 5 9 m c c b g 1 0 7 1 o h h f a 4 d 2020-12-12 9 4 9 9 0 4 9 2 8 10 9 b l b d o 8 2 10 1 d h k n n 5 e 2020-12-02 4 8 3 6 2 2 3 8 8 8 8 i e e g k 3 1 8 0 b l w a p 6 f 2020-12-09 8 2 0 10 3 6 2 0 5 2 6 i u c i o 4 1 3 5 e q p t v 7 g 2020-12-10 5 10 10 8 6 2 1 3 10 7 2 e o h h a 9 5 8 8 q p k n f 8 h 2020-12-06 1 6 10 7 7 5 5 2 1 10 1 t w f o k 10 10 4 4 y j m j h 9 i 2020-12-06 6 2 8 1 5 1 5 3 6 9 10 s q l v d 6 5 0 6 o f v n x 10 j 2020-12-03 6 8 6 8 6 0 3 7 9 6 2 v s w o a 1 10 1 6 w n v x q To update the column ''dyear'' with data from the year ''2001'', we will use a [[#generator|generator]] in the next section. ===== Generator ===== A [[docs:resource:generator|generator]] is a [[docs:resource:file|file]] that contains the data generation definition. For each column, a [[docs:generator:column|column data generator]] is defined that control the data generated. The below [[docs:resource:generator|generator]] generates one year of data with two columns: * ''d_date'' that has a [[docs:generator:sequence|date sequence generator]] to generate ''date'' data from ''2001-01-01'' and upwards * ''dyear'' that has a [[docs:generator:expression|expression generator]] that extracts the ''year'' of the ''d_date'' column. LogicalName: date_dim Columns: - name: d_date type: date comment: A column with a sequence generator that generates a date sequence from 2001-01-01 and after DataGenerator: type: sequence start: 2001-01-01 step: 1 - name: d_year precision: 4 comment: A column with a expression generator that extract the year from the date column DataGenerator: type: expression ColumnParents: d_date expression: "x.getFullYear()" This [[docs:resource:generator|generator]] is also a [[docs:resource:content|content resource]] and therefore you can use it as any [[docs:resource:tabular|tabular resource]] and take a look at the data generated tabli data head date_dim_2001--datagen.yml@howto The first 10 rows of the data resource (date_dim_2001--datagen.yml@howto): d_date d_year ---------- ------ 2001-01-01 2001 2001-01-02 2001 2001-01-03 2001 2001-01-04 2001 2001-01-05 2001 2001-01-06 2001 2001-01-07 2001 2001-01-08 2001 2001-01-09 2001 2001-01-10 2001 ===== Fill with generators ===== After having created a generator for the ''date_dim'' [[docs:resource:table|table]], we can pass it to the [[docs:tabli:data:fill|data fill command]] with the ''--generator-selector'' option to make the data generation more controled. tabli data fill --generator-selector date_dim_2001--datagen.yml@howto *@sqlite As the option ''generator-selector'' is a [[docs:resource:selector|resource selector]], you can create a [[docs:resource:generator|generator]] for each table where you want to customize the generated data and select them with the [[docs:common:globbing|glob pattern]]. Output: Source Target Latency (ms) Row Count Error Message ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ --------- ----- ------- call_center@memgen call_center@sqlite 131 1000 catalog_page@memgen catalog_page@sqlite 49 1000 catalog_sales@memgen catalog_sales@sqlite 130 1000 customer@memgen customer@sqlite 71 1000 customer_address@memgen customer_address@sqlite 64 1000 customer_demographics@memgen customer_demographics@sqlite 84 1000 date_dim@memgen date_dim@sqlite 1794 1000 household_demographics@memgen household_demographics@sqlite 32 1000 income_band@memgen income_band@sqlite 30 1000 item@memgen item@sqlite 145 1000 promotion@memgen promotion@sqlite 77 1000 ship_mode@memgen ship_mode@sqlite 42 1000 store@memgen store@sqlite 108 1000 store_sales@memgen store_sales@sqlite 94 1000 time_dim@memgen time_dim@sqlite 53 1000 warehouse@memgen warehouse@sqlite 79 1000 web_page@memgen web_page@sqlite 66 1000 web_sales@memgen web_sales@sqlite 131 1000 web_site@memgen web_site@sqlite 122 1000 And the ''query 11'' is now giving back a result. The generated data is minimal and should be further defined. tabli data print (sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query)@sqlite customer_id customer_first_name customer_last_name customer_email_address ----------- ------------------- ------------------ ---------------------- bbi g k e bbx j a w bhj h r i cw z w p ga q e d kd w f h sl a x q ===== Next ===== Learn how to compare data resource. [[10_resource_comparison|Data Resource Comparison]]