====== Learning Tabulify - Step 7 - How to execute a Query ======
===== Query =====
For ''Tabulify'', a [[docs:resource:query|query]] is a [[docs:resource:script|script]] that when executed returns a [[docs:resource:content|content resource]].
In the case of a [[docs:resource:select|Sql Query (ie a SELECT statement)]], the result is a ''data set'' in [[docs:resource:tabular|tabular format]].
The [[docs:resource:selector|selector]] of a [[docs:resource:query|query]] is known as a [[docs:resource:script_selector|script selector]]. This ''selector'' is composed of a [[docs:resource:data_selector|data selector]] inside its expression.
The syntax is:
* ''dataSelector'' is a [[docs:resource:data_selector|data selector]] that locates a [[docs:resource:resource|data resource]] that contains the [[docs:resource:query|query]] as [[docs:resource:content|data]]
* ''@connection'' defined the [[docs:connection:connection|connection]] where the [[docs:resource:query|query]] will run.
In the next steps, we will show this concepts by running a query of the [[docs:system:tpcds|Tpcds]] benchmark.
===== Query 11 =====
[[docs:system:tpcds|Tpcds]] offers 100 queries that are all located in the [[docs:connection:tpcds_query|tpcds-queries]] connection
We will execute the ''query 11'' that lists the customers that have generated growing sales from one year to another in the ''s'' and ''w'' sales type.
Below is the 20 first lines shown with the [[docs:tabli:data:head|head command]].
tabli data head --limit 20 sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query
The first 20 rows of the data resource (sqlite\query_11.sql@tpcds_query):
with year_total as (
select c_customer_id customer_id
,c_first_name customer_first_name
,c_last_name customer_last_name
,c_preferred_cust_flag customer_preferred_cust_flag
,c_birth_country customer_birth_country
,c_login customer_login
,c_email_address customer_email_address
,d_year dyear
,sum(ss_ext_list_price-ss_ext_discount_amt) year_total
,'s' sale_type
from customer
where c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk
and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
group by c_customer_id
* To execute the ''query 11'', we just need to wrap the previous selector and use it in any other command. The query data resource will be then:
===== Printing the query =====
[[docs:tabli:data:print|Printing]] the query against [[docs:connection:howtos|the sqlite connection]] will show us the customers that have generated growing sales from one year to another in the ''s'' and ''w'' sales type.
tabli data print (sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query)@sqlite
customer_id customer_first_name customer_last_name customer_email_address
---------------- ------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------
AAAAAAAABMDAAAAA Jose Guzman Jose.Guzman@stJp.edu
AAAAAAAAFLAAAAAA Joseph Riley Joseph.Riley@znxF.com
AAAAAAAAJGBAAAAA Bonnie Harrison Bonnie.Harrison@AKYSOPlHEYkd.com
AAAAAAAAKMDAAAAA Alexander White Alexander.White@7v2XsptkFrc50K.org
AAAAAAAAOFCAAAAA Timothy Grogan Timothy.Grogan@pn3NH2BDng.org
===== A query is just a data resource =====
Don't forget that a [[docs:resource:query|query]] is just a [[docs:resource:resource|data resource]]. It can therefore be used on every command as any other [[docs:resource:resource|data resource]].
==== How to copy a query into another table ====
For instance, if you want to [[docs:tabli:data:copy|copy]] its output to a [[docs:resource:table|table]] called ''query_11'', you would issue the following command:
tabli data copy (sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query)@sqlite query_11@sqlite
And the content of the new [[docs:resource:table|table]] is just the same than the output of the ''query 11''.
tabli data print query_11@sqlite
customer_id customer_first_name customer_last_name customer_email_address
---------------- ------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------
AAAAAAAABMDAAAAA Jose Guzman Jose.Guzman@stJp.edu
AAAAAAAAFLAAAAAA Joseph Riley Joseph.Riley@znxF.com
AAAAAAAAJGBAAAAA Bonnie Harrison Bonnie.Harrison@AKYSOPlHEYkd.com
AAAAAAAAKMDAAAAA Alexander White Alexander.White@7v2XsptkFrc50K.org
AAAAAAAAOFCAAAAA Timothy Grogan Timothy.Grogan@pn3NH2BDng.org
==== How to download a query as a CSV ====
For instance, if you want to [[docs:tabli:data:copy|copy]] its output:
* to a [[:docs:resource:csv|CSV]] called ''query_11.csv''
* into the [[:docs:connection:cd|current directory (cd)]]
you would issue the following command
tabli data copy (sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query)@sqlite query_11.csv@cd
And the content of the new csv is also just the same than the output of the ''query 11''.
tabli data print query_11.csv@cd
customer_id customer_first_name customer_last_name customer_email_address
---------------- ------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------
AAAAAAAABMDAAAAA Jose Guzman Jose.Guzman@stJp.edu
AAAAAAAAFLAAAAAA Joseph Riley Joseph.Riley@znxF.com
AAAAAAAAJGBAAAAA Bonnie Harrison Bonnie.Harrison@AKYSOPlHEYkd.com
AAAAAAAAKMDAAAAA Alexander White Alexander.White@7v2XsptkFrc50K.org
AAAAAAAAOFCAAAAA Timothy Grogan Timothy.Grogan@pn3NH2BDng.org
===== Next =====
Now that we can query our data, we are going to learn how to modify the content of a table
[[8_data_manipulation|How to modify the content of a table]]