---json { "name":"List SQL Tables", "canonical":"howto:database:list_tables", "title":"How to list SQL Tables", "description":"This howto will show you how to list SQL Tables" } --- ====== Tabli - How to list SQL Tables ====== ===== About ===== This [[howto:howto|How-to]] will show you how to use the [[docs:tabli:data:list|tabli data list]] command to list [[docs:resource:table|SQL Table]]. ===== Steps ===== ==== Prerequisites ==== You should have ''Tabulify'' installed on your computer. [[howto:getting_started:1_install]] ==== Listing all tables ==== Listing all the tables from the [[docs:connection:tpcds|Tpcds connection]] with a [[docs:resource:data_selector|data uri selector]] and the star ''*'' [[docs:resource:data_selector#glob pattern|glob wildcard character]] tabli data list *@tpcds PATH ------------------------ call_center catalog_page catalog_returns catalog_sales customer customer_address customer_demographics date_dim dbgen_version household_demographics income_band inventory item promotion reason s_call_center s_catalog_order s_catalog_order_lineitem s_catalog_page s_catalog_returns s_customer s_customer_address s_inventory s_item s_promotion s_purchase s_purchase_lineitem s_store s_store_returns s_warehouse s_web_order s_web_order_lineitem s_web_page s_web_returns s_web_site s_zip_to_gmt ship_mode store store_returns store_sales time_dim warehouse web_page web_returns web_sales web_site ==== Listing one table with its dependencies ==== Listing the table ''store_sales'' from the [[docs:connection:tpcds|Tpcds connection]] and its [[docs:resource:dependency|dependencies]] tabli data list --with-dependencies store_sales@tpcds PATH ---------------------- customer customer_address customer_demographics date_dim household_demographics income_band item promotion store store_sales time_dim ==== Filtering the output with a glob pattern ==== === Listing all returns === Listing all the tables that have ''return'' in their name with a [[docs:resource:data_selector|data uri selector]] and its [[docs:resource:data_selector#glob pattern|glob pattern]] tabli data list *return*@tpcds PATH ----------------- catalog_returns s_catalog_returns s_store_returns s_web_returns store_returns web_returns === Listing all ''returns'' and ''sales'' tables === With [[docs:system:tpcds|tpcds]], the [[docs:resource:data_selector#glob pattern|glob expression]] ''{*returns,*sales}'' will returns all ''returns'' and ''sales'' tables. tabli data list {*returns,*sales}@tpcds PATH ----------------- catalog_returns catalog_sales s_catalog_returns s_store_returns s_web_returns store_returns store_sales web_returns web_sales