"canonical": ":howto:database:table_create_from_script",
"description": "This Howto will show you how to create a SQL table with a SQL file that contains a ''CREATE'' SQL statement",
"low_quality_page": "false",
"name": "Table Creation From Script",
"page_id": "2y8to1aqf22td1go8fy0d",
"title": "How to create a table with a CREATE Sql statement file"
====== Tabulify - How to create a table with a CREATE Sql statement file ======
===== About =====
This [[..:howto|Howto]] will show you how to create a [[docs:resource:table|SQL table]] with a SQL file that contains a ''CREATE'' SQL statement with the [[docs:tabli:data:create|Tabli table create command]].
===== Steps =====
==== Prerequisites ====
You should have ''Tabulify'' installed on your computer: [[howto:getting_started:1_install]]
==== The CREATE table statement ====
Delete the target destination
tabli data drop --not-strict *@sqlite
We will execute the below [[docs:resource:script|SQL Script]] that is located in the [[docs:connection:howto|howto connection]].
-- Create the foo table statement
create table foo (
bar integer
==== The data create command ====
With the [[docs:tabli:data:create|tabli data create]] command, if you use a [[docs:resource:script_selector|script selector]] as first argument, the selected [[docs:resource:script|script]] are executed.
To execute the previous SQL script, the below the command should be executed:
tabli data create (create_foo.sql@howto)@sqlite
* ''data create'' is the [[docs:tabli:data:create|data create]] command
* ''(create_foo.sql@howto)@sqlite'' is a [[docs:resource:script_selector|script selector]] that select the ''create_foo.sql'' in the [[docs:connection:howto|howto]] connection and executes it in the [[docs:connection:howtos|Sqlite howtos connection]]
The list of create script data resources executed:
==== Check the metadata ====
Check the metadata with the [[docs:tabli:data:struct|tabli data meta]] command
tabli data struct foo@sqlite
Position Column Name Data Type Primary Key Not Null Auto Increment Description
-------- ----------- --------- ----------- -------- -------------- -----------
1 bar integer x false
==== Next ====
You can also create a table and its dependencies (foreign tables) at once with the [[docs:tabli:data:create|tabli data create command]].
[[howto:database:tabli_create_table_with_dependencies|How to copy a star/snowflake schema ?]]