====== Native Engine - Json Template ====== ===== Template ===== A ''Json'' template is a [[docs:templating:native|native template]]: * that is a valid [[docs:resource:json|Json]] text document * that may contain variables in the form ''${name}'' in its properties key and/or value. * that will respect the tree structure (There is no need to add extra processing logic such as loop) * that produces a [[docs:resource:json|json data resource]]. ===== Howto ===== [[howto:templating:create_json_from_tabular_data]] ===== Example: catalog of item ===== The variable name should match the name of a column of the [[docs:flow:source|source]]. { "${group}": { "${item_code}": { "price": "${price}", "description": "${description}" } } } where: * ''group'', ''item_code'', ''price'' and ''description'' (from ''${group}}'', ''${item_code}'', ''${price}'' and ''${description}'') are the column names of the [[docs:flow:source|source]].