====== Tabli - Variable List Command ======
===== About =====
The ''list'' command of the [[start|variable module]] lists the variable values that are:
* ''internal'' - configuration that you can't modify
* ''user'' - from the [[docs:conf:user|user file]]
* ''dotenv'' - from the [[docs:conf:dotenv|dot env variable file]]
* ''project'' - from the [[:docs:project:project-file|project variable file]]
* ''os'' - from the OS environment variable
* ''sys'' - from the Java System Properties
===== Example =====
By default, the listing shows only the ''internal'', ''user'', ''dotenv'' and ''project'' variables
tabli variable list
type key value
-------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------
Internal default.filesystem.tabulartype csv
Internal dev.mode true
Internal tabulify.home.path D:\code\bytle-mono
Internal user.connectionvault C:\Users\gerardnico\conf\connection.ini
Internal user.vars C:\Users\gerardnico\conf\variables.yml
===== Syntax =====
tabli variable list -h
Tabli variable list
List the configurations
Tip:To have a nice output because a value may be very lengthy, you should set the width of your terminal to a big number (such as 10000)
1 - List all `tabli` configurations
tabli variable list *
2 - List all Home configurations
tabli variable list *home*
3 - List all OS Environment variables
tabli variable list --type OS
4 - List all Java configurations
tabli variable list *java*
tabli variable list [options|flags]
One or more glob selector(s) that will filter the output by the key name
-t,--type The type of the configurations to return ('all, cli, dotenv, internal, os, project, sys, user' or `all`)
Global Options:
-cv,--connection-vault The path where a connection vault is located
-h,--help Print this help
-l,--log-level Set the log level
-odu,--output-data-uri defines the output data uri for the feedback data (default: console)
-oo,--output-operation defines the data operations (replace, truncate) on an existing output resource before transfer.
-oop,--output-transfer-operation defines the output transfer operation (insert, update, merge, copy). Default to `copy` for a file system and `insert` for a database.
-pp,--passphrase A passphrase (master password) to decrypt the encrypted values
-pf,--project-file A file system path to a project file
-vf,--vars The path to a variables file
-v,--version Print version information