====== Tabli - Data Query Command ====== ===== About ===== ''data query'' is a [[docs:tabli:command|command]] that permits you to execute [[docs:resource:query|query]] in batch and create a [[docs:benchmark|benchmark workload]] against a [[docs:system:system|system]]. ===== Syntax ===== tabli data query --help Tabli data query ================ The query command allows performance test. This command will execute one or multiple queries, fetch the data (ie get the data locally) and returns the performance metrics A query is an executable statement that returns data. In Sql, if the statement is a `select` statement it will be executed, otherwise the query will be created for a table or a view. This means that you can also use this command to measure the fetch of data on your network. Note: If you want to: * show the data result of a query execution, the `print`, `head`, `tail` command is recommended * transfer/load the result of a query, you should use the `transfer` command * shows the structure of a query, you should use the `struct` command Examples -------- 1 - Execute all the queries written in the sql files that begins with `dim` in the current directory (ie `local` connection) tabli data query (dim*.sql@local)@sqlite 2 - Execute the query written in the file `Query1.sql` against the `sqlite` connection and execute the query written in the file `Query2.sql` against the `oracle` connection tabli data query (Query1.sql)@sqlite (Query2.sql)@oracle 3 - Execute all sql files present in the local directory `project/withQueries` against the `postgres` data store and store the result in the `perf` table. tabli data query --output-data-uri perf@postgres (project/withQueries/*.sql)@postgres Syntax ------ tabli data query where: Arguments: One or several data selectors that selects data resource (query, view, table) Global Options: -cf,--conf The path to a configuration file -cv,--connection-vault The path where the connection vault is located -h,--help Print this help -l,--log-level Set the log level -ns,--not-strict A minor error will not stop the process. -odu,--output-data-uri defines the output data uri for the feedback data (default: console) -oo,--output-operation defines the data operations (replace, truncate) on an existing output resource before transfer. -oop,--output-transfer-operation defines the output transfer operation (insert, update, merge, copy). Default to `copy` for a file system and `insert` for a database. -pp,--passphrase A passphrase (master password) to decrypt the encrypted values