====== Tabli - Data List Command ======
===== About =====
''data list'' is a [[docs:tabli:command|command]] of the [[docs:tabli:data:start|data module]] that lists the [[docs:resource:resource|data resources]] and their [[docs:resource:attribute|attributes]] in a [[docs:resource:tabular|tabular format]].
The ''data list'' is a super command that extends the [[wp>Ls|shell ls command]] to support not only the listing of [[docs:resource:file|files]] but also of [[docs:resource:table|tables]] (and by extension all other [[docs:resource:resource|data resource]])
===== Syntax =====
The important notions for this command are:
* the [[docs:resource:data_selector|data selector]] that helps you select [[docs:resource:resource|data resources]]
* the [[docs:resource:attribute|resource attributes]] that you can add to the output with the ''%%--attribute%%'' option.
tabli data list --help
Tabli data list
Print a list of data resources (files, tables, ...)
1 - List all the current files
tabli data list *
2 - List all the tables of the current schema of the `oracle` data store
tabli data list *@oracle
3 - List all the tables that begins with `D` of the `sqlite` data store
tabli data list D*@sqlite
tabli data list [options|flags]
One or more name data resource selectors (ie pattern[@connection])
Data Definition Options:
-a,--attribute Set the data resource attributes to show (`path`, `name`,`count`, `size`, `type`, `connection`, ...)
Selection Options:
-wd,--with-dependencies If set, the dependencies will be also selected
Global Options:
-cf,--conf The path to a configuration file
-cv,--connection-vault The path where the connection vault is located
-h,--help Print this help
-l,--log-level Set the log level
-ns,--not-strict A minor error will not stop the process.
-odu,--output-data-uri defines the output data uri for the feedback data (default: console)
-oo,--output-operation defines the data operations (replace, truncate) on an existing output resource before transfer.
-oop,--output-transfer-operation defines the output transfer operation (insert, update, merge, copy). Default to `copy` for a file system and `insert` for a database.
-pp,--passphrase A passphrase (master password) to decrypt the encrypted values