====== Tabli - Delete a Connection ====== ===== About ===== ''delete'' is an action of the [[docs:tabli:connection:start|connection module]] that deletes a connection from the [[docs:conf:vault|connection vault]]. ===== Example ===== * [[upsert|Add a connection]] tabli connection upsert --url "jdbc:sqlite://%TMP%/db.db" "dbConnectionName" * [[info|Get its info]] tabli connection info "dbConnectionName" Information about the connection (dbConnectionName) Attribute Value Description ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- DatabaseMajorVersion 3 The major version number of the database DatabaseMinorVersion 30 The minor version number of the database DatabaseProductName SQLite The name of the database DatabaseProductVersion 3.30.1 The version of the database DriverName SQLite JDBC The driver name DriverVersion 3.30.1 The driver version JdbcMajorVersion 2 The major version number of JDBC JdbcMinorVersion 1 The minor version number of JDBC MaxConcurrentThread 1 The maximum number of threads that can be created against the system MaxNameInPath 1 The maximum number of names in a path Name dbConnectionName The name of the connection SupportBatchUpdates true If the system supports batch SQL updates SupportNamedParameters true If the system supports named parameters in the SQL statement TabBooleanDataType Binary Boolean data type used to store boolean values TabDateDataType SqlLiteral Date data type used to store date values TabTimeDataType SqlLiteral Time format data type to store time values TabTimestampDataType SqlLiteral Timestamp data type used to store timestamp values Url jdbc:sqlite://C:\Users\GERARD~1\AppData\Local\Temp/db.db The url of the connection * Delete it tabli connection delete dbConnectionName The connection(s) deleted connection ---------------- dbConnectionName ===== Syntax ===== tabli connection delete --help Tabli connection delete ======================= Delete a connection from the connection vault Syntax ------ tabli connection delete where: Arguments: a connection name or a glob pattern Global Options: -cf,--conf The path to a configuration file -cv,--connection-vault The path where the connection vault is located -h,--help Print this help -l,--log-level Set the log level -ns,--not-strict If the removed connection does not exist, the command will not exit with a failure code. -odu,--output-data-uri defines the output data uri for the feedback data (default: console) -oo,--output-operation defines the data operations (replace, truncate) on an existing output resource before transfer. -oop,--output-transfer-operation defines the output transfer operation (insert, update, merge, copy). Default to `copy` for a file system and `insert` for a database. -pp,--passphrase A passphrase (master password) to decrypt the encrypted values