---json { "aliases": [ { "path": ":docs:system:mysql" } ], "page_id": "sizgoan0iv6rk1bvityc5" } --- ====== MySql ====== ===== About ===== ''MySql'' is a [[docs:system:relational|relational database system]] that is supported as [[docs:flow:source|source]] and [[docs:flow:target|target]]. ===== Catalog vs Database vs Schema ===== In ''MySQL'' (([[https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-table.html#create-table-name|Reference Fully Qualified Table Name]])) : * ''SQL Catalog'' are called ''database'' * ''SQL Schema'' are not supported Because Tabulify is data source agnostic, a ''MySql Catalog'' is known as a [[docs:resource:schema|schema]] (ie the first parent). ===== Version ===== MySql is tested against version [[https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/|5.7]]. ===== Howto ===== To follow the [[howto:howto|Howto]], you need to start a MySql container database. The steps by steps are available on this page: [[howto]]