====== Local File System ======
===== About =====
The ''local file system'' is the [[file|file system]] of the operation system where ''Tabulify'' is installed.
This is the [[file|file system]]:
* of your computer
* or/of the ''Tabulify'' server
depending on where the ''Tabulify'' is running.
===== Built-in Connection =====
''Tabulify'' comes with the below [[docs:connection:built-in|built-in connection]] to the local file system:
* [[docs:connection:cd|cd]] - the current directory
* [[docs:connection:temp|temp]] - the temporary directory
* [[docs:connection:desktop|desktop]] - the user desktop directory of the local file system
* [[docs:connection:home|home]] - the user home directory of the local file system
* [[docs:connection:sd|sd]] - the script directory actually running
* [[docs:connection:project|project]] - the project directory
===== URL =====
To create a local file connection, you can use one of the following [[docs:connection:uri|URL]]:
* the local file URL to define a absolute path
* a [[#data uri|data uri]] to define a relative path
==== Local file URI ====
* the ''path'' should be absolute. It should start with:
* ''/'' for linux
* ''%%/C://%%'', ''%%/D://%%'', .. for windows
* Windows
* Linux
You can't defined a relative path. You cannot used as start character:
* ''.'' for the working directory
* and ''..'' for the parent
You need to use the [[#data uri|data uri syntax]] to define a relative path
==== Data Uri ====
To define a relative path, you can use a [[docs:resource:data_uri|data uri]] with a [[#|built-in local data connection]]
Example: to target the build directory inside the [[docs:connection:project|project home connection directory]]