====== Data Resource - Sql Schema ======
===== About =====
A ''schema'' is a [[docs:resource:resource|data resource]] of a [[docs:system:database|database]] that contains one or more ''Sql Object'' such as [[table|tables]] or [[view|view]]
===== URI =====
The [[docs:resource:data_uri|Data URI]] that defines a schema has the following form:
# Fully Qualified
# With the catalog of the connection if any
# The default schema of the connection
* ''connection'' is the [[docs:connection:name|connection name]]
* ''schema'' is the schema name
* ''catalog'' is the catalog name
It has the same form as a SQL path form where the object name is the empty string.
===== How to see the default schema of a connection ? =====
You can see the default schema of your connection with the [[docs:tabli:connection:info|connection info command]].
This is the value set in the [[docs:connection:working_path|working path]]
tabli connection info sqlite
===== Sample =====
See [[docs:system:sample_schema]]