====== Resource - Query (Runtime Data Resource) ====== ===== Query ===== A ''query'' is a [[script|script]] that returns a [[docs:resource:content|content resource]]. That's why we called them also ''runtime'' [[resource|data resource]] because the [[docs:resource:content|content]] is created when the ''query'' is running. ''Tabulify'' supports actually two queries: * the [[docs:resource:select|Sql query]]. * and the HTTP get query. ===== Selectors ===== A ''query selector'' is a [[script_selector|script selector]] where the first part is itself a [[data_selector|data selector]] (globPattern@QueryConnection)@targetConnection where: * ''(globPattern@QueryConnection)'' is the [[data_selector|data selector]] that locates the ''query'' * and ''@targetConnection'' defines the [[docs:connection:connection|connection]] where the query will be executed.