====== Data Resource - Path ======
===== About =====
''path'' is a string that locates uniquely a [[docs:resource:resource|resource]] inside a [[docs:connection:connection|connection]].
===== Data Uri =====
It's the first element of a [[docs:resource:data_uri|data uri]].
===== How to see the path =====
You can see the pat value via the [[attribute|data resource attribute]].
The file ''query_11.sql'' file in the [[docs:connection:tpcds_query|tpcds-query file connection]] has a ''path'' value of ''sqlite/query_11.sql''
With the [[docs:tabli:data:info|data info command]]
tabli data info sqlite/query_11.sql@tpcds_query
Information about the data resource (sqlite\query_11.sql@tpcds_query)
------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
AbsolutePath D:\code\bytle-mono\db-jdbc\src\main\sql\tpcds\sqlite\query_11.sql
Characterset ISO-8859-1
Connection tpcds_query
Count 81
DataUri sqlite\query_11.sql@tpcds_query
LogicalName query_11
Name query_11.sql
Path sqlite\query_11.sql
Size 2900
Type text/plain
In a [[docs:system:file|file system]], it would show the relative path of the [[docs:resource:resource|data resource]] in a [[docs:connection:connection|connection]].