====== Data Resource - Json ======
===== About =====
A ''json'' file is a [[text|text file]] that contains one or several ''json object''.
===== Howto =====
===== Type =====
''Tabulify'' supports the following JSON [[type|type]]:
* ''json'' : one JSON object by file
* ''jsonl'': one JSON object by line (ie the [[http://jsonlines.org/|Jsonl]] format)
===== Attributes =====
The [[attribute|attributes]] of a JSON file are:
^ Name ^ Description ^
| ''structure'' | ''document'' - the whole ''JSON'' document will be stored in [[docs:resource:tabular|tabular format]] with ''1'' column of the ''json'' [[docs:common:data_type|data type]] \\ ''properties'' - the JSON file will be parsed and all first level properties will create several columns in a full [[docs:resource:tabular|tabular format]] |
^ Because a ''json'' file is also a [[text|text file]], it inherits all [[text#attributes|text attributes]] ^^
| [[text#arguments|endOfRecord]] | For a ''JSON'' file, ''end of a file (EOF)''. It expects one JSON object by file \\ For a ''JSONL'' file, ''end of a line (EOL)''. It expects one JSON object by line |
| [[text#arguments|columnName]] | The name of the column in the case of a ''document'' structure (Default to ''json'') |
===== Creation =====
With the [[docs:op:template|JSON template]], you can create a JSON file from tabular data.
===== How to see the first lines =====
By default, ''Tabulify'' treats one JSON document as one record (line), you would see the whole document.
If you want to see the first text lines of a document, you need to set the [[type|type]] to [[text|text]].
tabli data head --type text --limit 3 books_template.json@howto
The first 3 rows of the data resource (books_template.json@howto):
"${group}": {
"${asin}": {