====== Data Resource - Csv ======
===== About =====
''csv'' is a supported [[tabular_file|tabular file]] [[resource|data resource]].
===== Howto =====
===== Properties =====
^ Name ^ Default Value ^ Description ^
| ''commentCharacter'' | ''%%#%%'' | The character that if found as the first character of a line makes the line a comment |
| ''delimiterCharacter'' | ''%%,%%'' | The character that delimits every fields (ie columns) |
| ''escapeCharacter'' | ''null'' | The character that when found before a CSV character, set it as a character and not as a property |
| ''headerRowId'' | ''1'' | The row id where the header is located (''0'' means no header and ''1'' the first line) |
| ''ignoreEmptyLine'' | ''true'' | Empty line are ignored |
| ''quoteCharacter'' | ''%%"%%'' | The character that enclose a field value. |
Because a ''csv'' file is also a [[text|text file]], you can also set [[text#properties|text properties]]