====== Connection - URI attribute ====== ===== URL ===== ''URI'' is a mandatory [[attribute|attribute]] of a [[connection|connection]] and is also known as the ''connection string'' It's a string that defines the most important connection properties such as: * the ''scheme'': the technology used to connect * the ''host'': the host where the system is located * the ''port'': the port where the system is reachable on the host * the ''database'': the database name The ''URI'' is system dependent and therefore should be looked in the [[docs:system:system|documentation page of each system]]. This is the property that defines the connection to a [[docs:system:system|system]] The ''URI'' is also known as: * [[wp>Data_source_name|Data Source Name (DSN)]] * or ''connection string'' ===== Example ===== Example of URI with with the [[docs:tabli:connection:list|tabli connection list]] command where you can see the [[howtos|howtos]] connection. tabli connection list Name Uri ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cd file:///C:/Users/gerardnico/ entity file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-gen-entities/src/main/resources/entity/ howto file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-website/src/doc/howto/ memory mem mysql jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database] oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe postgres jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres sqlite jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite.db sqlite_target jdbc:sqlite:///C:/Users/gerardnico/AppData/Local/tabli/sqlite_target.db sqlserver jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=AdventureWorks; temp file:///C:/Users/GERARD~1/AppData/Local/Temp/ tpcds tpcds tpcds_query file:///D:/code/bytle-mono/db-jdbc/src/main/sql/tpcds/