====== Connection - Variables ====== ===== Attribute ===== A ''connection variable'' is a property of a [[connection|connection]] that: * define how to connect to a [[docs:system:system|system connection]] via its [[uri|URL attribute]] * and configure the behavior of this connection. ===== Type ===== ==== Mandatory ==== The only mandatory variables are: * the [[name|connection name]] * and the [[uri|URL]] ==== Built-in Attribute ==== Built-in attributes modify the behavior ''Tabulify''. See [[built_in_attribute]] ===== Management ===== ==== See ==== You can see the ''variable'' of your connection with the [[docs:tabli:connection:info|connection info command]]. ==== Set ==== You can set the ''variable'' of your connection: * by editing manually the [[..:conf:vault|connection vault]] * or with the [[docs:tabli:connection:upsert|connection upsert command]]. ===== Configuration ===== ==== Automatic Encryption ==== The ''encrypted-variables'' [[docs:conf:conf|configuration]] lists the ''attributes'' where the value should be automatically [[docs:common:vault|encrypted]]. Example, the [[docs:tabli:variable:set|variable set command]] will encrypt the connection ''user'' and [[uri|uri]] [[docs:conf:variable|variable]] ''value'' tabli variable set encrypted-variables user,uri The [[password|password]] attribute when present is always encrypted