====== Tabulify - Boolean Data Type ====== ===== Boolean ===== This page contains the documentation about how ''Tabulify'' is managing the ''Boolean'' [[data_type|data type]]. ===== Storage ===== By default, ''Tabulify'' stores ''boolean'' data natively in the target system as ''boolean'' object. For [[docs:system:system|system]], that does not support the ''boolean'' as data type, ''Tabulify'' may save them as binary integer (ie 0 or 1) This behavior is controllable with the ''tabBooleanDataType'' [[docs:connection:built_in_attribute|tabulify connection attribute]] ^ Possible Values ^ Description ^ | ''Native'' (Default) | Save the boolean in the data type of the system | | ''Binary'' | Integer (0 or 1) | ===== Conversion ====== ''Tabulify'' extends the boolean system and recognize natively the following string and number as ''BOOLEAN'' (case indépendant: ''Y'' or ''y'' means ''y'') when transferring data from a system to another. ^ Object (case indépendant) ^ Boolean Value ^ |true|1| |1|1| |t|1| |yes|1| |y|1| |on|1| |false|0| |0|0| |no|0| |f|0| |n|0| |off|0| |Empty String|NULL| |na|NULL| |null|NULL|